
THANK you for allowing God to work through you.  There were so many GOD sightings that I saw over the weekend and there will be more to come.  You came across so loving and sincere in all your teachings and that made everyone feel relaxed and ready to receive the Word of truth.  That is a gift that God has given you and I am praising God that you are using it for HIM. We really loved having you as our speaker.  ~ Mary Gerhart, Women’s Ministries Leader


Being a teacher is what separates Tracey Holland’s workshop from other Christian speakers.  Her interactive teaching style is great for all ages - children through adults.  Her activities are fun and vary according to the ages of the group.  Then through her vast knowledge of the Word, she brings it back to the Bible and God’s teachings.  Tracey’s activities also enhance group cohesion that makes for more discussion by group members when the session is finished.  She is well prepared and grounded in the Word.  The time in the workshop will leave you filled with God’s love and uplifted in spirit.   ~Jane Nase, Counselor


Tracey Holland is a gifted educator and group facilitator. Her depth of knowledge and self-reflective nature make her a tremendous asset as one of my graduate course instructors. Her expertise and deep level of commitment in the areas of social emotional learning has her consulting with school districts throughout Southeastern PA. I count on her as one of my most organized and disciplined instructors and as a facilitator who helps participants reflect in a deeply meaningful manner.  ~Thom Stecher, Thom Stecher & Associates, Inc.

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