Multi-Tasking Part I: One Thing at a Time
2/5/2013 11:51:10 AM by: Tracey

The revelation of GOD is whole and pulls our lives together. The signposts of GOD are clear and point out the right road. The life-maps of GOD are right, showing the way to joy.                                                                 ~Psalm 19:7-8 (The Message)


Do you ever find yourself doing more than one thing at a time? Does the strategy of multi-tasking allow you to feel effective and productive?

If you have answered “YES” to either of these questions, you are not alone. Many of us feel the burden of time and are in-search-of (ISO) an answer that beats the clock. Deadlines constantly loom.

Whether in our personal or professional lives, somebody is always in need of something. The more accustomed you are to saying “YES”, the longer your waiting line has become.

Today’s time pressures create many opportunities for us to multi-task. In fact, multi-tasking has become the answer to many in regards to time management.

I know I have fallen victim to this mentality on more than one occasion. I have even worn it as a badge of honor—believing that this is what true success was. Piling more on the plate and getting it all done. Somehow, I managed to believe I had it all under control.

Maybe you have even felt that false sense of security—believing everything was under your control and the reason for it was your multi-tasking ability.

Does this image look vaguely familiar?

It does to me and this is just what you can see. I imagine if any of us had access to the inside of our minds we would find utter confusion of objects, thoughts, and tasks.

I know my mind often feels like the land of confusion. I believe this is the result of too many years of the multi-tasking answer.

As I have responded to God’s call to slow down, be still and seek Him for answers, I have had much surrendering to do with my lists, “YES’s”, and multi-tasking. All I can say is some habits die hard.

My life is not as linear as I would like. I have had to repeatedly grapple with these parameters of time and the surrendering of my habit.

However, I will admit to finding myself more engaged and focused when I can work on one thing at a time. I also find more joy in life when I operate from His perspective. True to Your Word, You have let me catch my breath. You have sent me in the right direction (Psalm 23:3 The Message). And, I am so very thankful.

I believe God wants to pull our lives together. He doesn’t want us living in confusion or doing multiple things at a time that leave us feeling tired and worn down. He wants us to be fully present in whatever it is we are doing, so that we can feel His peace and joy.

Seeking and finding His answer requires a willingness to slow down and allow His voice to be heard above the fast pace of multi-tasking. His signposts are clear and point out the right road.

I encourage you to believe in His promises. He has walked ahead of you—placing His signposts along the roads you travel.


Are you willing to slow down your days? Will you intentionally look for His signposts?

Click here if you would like to go deeper in reflection.

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2/11/2013 8:16:32 PM
  Thank you Lynne, for your honesty and willingness to self-reflect. You are answering His call. May you find peace.
  Tracey,  Standing on Solid Rock

2/10/2013 3:34:16 PM
  Thanks for this reminder. Read it at a time I needed it most. I appreciate you letting the Holy Spirit work through you to reach me. Love, Lynne
  Lynne,  Quakertown School District


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