Multi-Tasking Part II: An Honest Reflection
2/14/2013 12:23:03 PM by: Tracey

     Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.    ~Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)


What happens to our relationships when we are in a rush to get things done? Do we spend time with others or ignore them because we don’t have time? Or, worse yet, do we fit them into our multi-tasking schedule?

How about God? Where does spending time with Him fit in with the day-to-day happenings?

For me, when I feel rushed and short on time it is my relationships that suffer. I pick up the phone less. I don’t take the time to type an email or text someone who has been on my mind. I push off having dinner or meeting for coffee. Or in this winter season, I take a raincheck on skiing with friends even though I haven’t been on the slopes in over two seasons.

Sometimes, I even find myself doing a multitude of things before sitting down to spend time with God in the morning. Letting the dog out and making coffee, yes, those things I believe can come first. But vacuuming the house, cleaning a bathroom, checking email . . . I’m not so sure about those choices.

If I were honest, I’d have to admit I have given more attention and priority to my lists than my relationships.

Ouch! Honest reflection hurts sometimes. Lessons often need to be revisited for there to be a deeper learning.

Today, I find myself questioning—are my relationships to be managed through a  to-do list or nurtured through time? I believe God is nudging me forward in this journey and calling my attention to His deeper truths.

It is here I am reminded me, above all else, I need to guard my heart for it is the wellspring of life.What I value, where I put my time and energy, it all speaks to where my heart is.

I want my heart and my time to align in a way that makes God smile.

Click here if you would like to go deeper in reflection.


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