Multi-Tasking Part III: Relationships Do Matter
I know if I’m not careful and intentional, I will find myself not taking the time to listen as closely as I want to when in communication with others. I know the habit of multi-tasking forces me to stay on the surface of life. When we live like this, there is no time to dive in to anything and go deep. All it manages to do is splinter us into pieces that have no binding or connection. We become lost and flounder. No wonder we feel vulnerable and disconnected.
This habit pulls us away from relational living. Families are something we try to fit into our busy schedules instead of being the fabric of our lives. Our time with God even gets short-changed because we are trying to pencil Him in as well. To break these chains that bind, God calls us to go deeper in Him. This takes time, thoughtful consideration and planning. It is not a “multi-tasking” endeavor. The only way we get to know someone is by spending time with them. We need to pay attention and listen intently. When we are rushed, texting and talking, and just “popping in” on these relationships, then, how do we ever really get to know others, especially those in our own families? I am thankful for the times that God slows me down and reminds me of what is really important. Relationships and loving one another by what we do, not by what we say. I want my heart to be peaceful in knowing that my relationships do matter. When I survey my hands and my heart, I want to be sure they are in balance and that I didn’t just merely chase after the wind. I know I need to be intentional about making time for the people and activities that are important to me. Letting God have control of my time and lists is the first step. Surrendering is not easy, but it is necessary. Are you up to the challenge? Will you join me in this surrender, allowing God to slow the pace of life long enough for you to find the joy in your relationships again?
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