Here We Go Again...
1/22/2013 10:44:03 AM by: Tracey

Here We Go Again...

The revelation of GOD is whole and pulls our lives together. The signposts of GOD are clear and point out the right road. The life-maps of GOD are right, showing the way to joy.                       --Psalm 19:7-8 (The Message)


It’s happening again. The plate is mounting with much to do. The “YES’s” are multiplying by leaps and bounds. I sit at my desk and wonder, “How did I get myself here? I thought I learned this lesson already…the hard way.”

Then I remember all those other possibilities hanging out there; the opportunities that may or may not happen. More I am ready to say “YES” to if given the chance.

And then I wonder why my headaches are back and my stomach does not like food too much these days. Sleepless nights. This is looking oddly familiar. Yes, I have been here before.

Maybe you can relate. A plate that is overflowing and more that is waiting to pile on top whether there is room or not.

And, if you are like me, you like to say “YES”. Yes comes easy. Sometimes it comes with little or no thought. Sometimes even after much thought and wise counsel you still find yourself saying “YES”.

Why do we do this? Just maybe it is…

…because we can.

…because we like the feel of adrenaline driving us from one thing to another.

…because we like to please people.

…because we like to feel needed.

…because we pride ourselves in being a strong multi-tasker.

…because…. (and you fill in the blank) ________________________________.

In my mind, I want and can do it all. In the days of yesterday, this was true. Everything got done no matter what the cost or toll on my body.

Today, tells a different story.

I am thankful for the body cries. They bring hope. They remind me that God is there, holding the lamp trying to guide my way.

I am continuing to learn that God uses whatever He can to help me see a different answer…His answer.

After sitting still for some time this morning, I can see it. It is faint, but I can make out the shape.


             I’ve seen this before.
             The button, if I don’t choose to use it, will be chosen for me.



If you find yourself with much looming over you, I encourage you to be still for just a moment. Find the courage to hit the pause button of life.

Could it be that God has something to say?

What is He using in your life to help you see a different way…a different answer?

Click here if you would like to go deeper in reflection.

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