
Digging Deeper with the SSR Prayer

In school, we call "SSR" sustained silent reading. I have had two perspectives on this independent reading strategy over the course of my life; one as a student and the other as a teacher. Both experiences have led to frustration and gratification.
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Here We Go Again: Digging Deeper through Self-Reflection and Bible Study Application
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Managing The To-Do Lists: Digging Deeper through Self-Reflection and Bible Study Application
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Multi-Tasking Part I: Digging Deeper through Self-Reflection and Bible Study Application
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Multi-Tasking Part II: Digging Deeper through Self-Reflection and Bible Study Application
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Multi-Tasking Part III: Digging Deeper through Self-Reflection and Bible Study Application
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Multi-Tasking Part IV: Digging Deeper through Self-Reflection and Bible Study Application
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Who's Driving? Digging Deeper through Self-Reflection and Bible Study Application
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Trusting the Process: Digging Deeper through Self-Reflection and Bible Study Application
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Some Days are Just a Blur: Digging Deeper through Self-Reflection and Bible Study Application
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  Digging Deeper--Eyes of Truth Surrendering Emotions Self Reflection and Bible Study Application
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